Spooky Poet Club

The exclusive club for spooky creatives everywhere.
But be warned, membership comes… at a price!

(That price is pay-what-you-want starting from £1,
I don’t know why I made it sound scary.)

Spooky Poet Club is my membership service, which means joining directly supports me (Lewis Brown) to keep bringing spooky poems into the world. But that’s not all!

For a minimum of £1, you also get a bunch of lovely perks:

  • A stylish badge!
  • My undying gratitude, wooOoOOoo! I mean it though, I will be grateful and you will be credited.
  • Exclusive digital access to Middle Spirits, my first ever poetry collection, filled with fabulous illustrations by Elena Purlyte.
  • Discounts on upcoming spooky poetry merch!

Join a growing community of creators.

The Spooky Poet Club Discord server is free for anyone to join, where all sorts of writers and artists can share their work and hone their craft! Consider joining if you’d like to:

On a black background is a lego model of a robotic face connected to wires. Text surrounding it reads: 'Spooky Poet Club November 2023 Writing Workshop (on Discord), THEME: Artificial Intelligence'

Take part in monthly writing workshops!

An illustrated crystal ball on a black background with the worlds 'Inspiration Show & Tell'

Swap inspiration with other artists!

On the background of a spooky cave are three writing prompts: 'Beast', 'Uncanny' and 'Pitchforks' from Week 4 of Spooky Poem Month 2023. Underneath is the flavour text: 'Write all you like, it's too late! The transformation has begun...'

Writing prompts and exercises!

Two illustrated coffins on a background of soil, with the words 'Body Doubling'

Collaborate and share creative advice!

Contact Me

Drop me an email!

I’ll endeavour to get back to you as soon as I can.